Centre for continuing medical education
The Center for Continuing Medical Education at the Faculty of Medicine in Niš is a professional body of the Faculty, established in December 2004, which, on behalf of the Faculty as a organizer of continuous education, conducts continuous education as a program of permanent education and improvement in health care.
Continuing education in health implies professional and scientific improvement of health workers and healthcare associates through participation in scientific and professional meetings, seminars, courses and other continuous education programs.
Within the Center, a Program Council has been set up with seven members of the Faculty's staff. The work of the Center is managed by a teacher at the Faculty in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for the postgraduate studies. The Head of the Program Council is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty.
- Prоf. dr Маја Јоvičić Мilеntiјеvić, head and chair
- Prоf. dr Маrinа Dеlјаnin-Ilić – substitute
- Prоf. dr Ivаn Nikоlić – member
- Prоf. dr Rаdmilа Vеličkоvić Rаdоvаnоvić – member
- Prоf. dr Prеdrаg Kоvаčеvić – member
- Prоf. dr Zоrаn Rаdоvаnоvić – member
- Prоf. dr Аlеksаndаr Мitić – member