
Division for general and administrative-legal affairs



3. Sluzba za opste poslove sm


The Office for General and Administrative-Legal Affairs ensures the legality of the work of the Faculty's bodies, takes care of the adoption and implementation of the Statute, regulations, rules of procedure, decisions, decisions and other acts, performs personnel duties, as well as archiving and delivering materials. The Service for General and Administrative-Legal Affairs, within its scope of work, prepared the following general and by-laws: Statutes of the Faculty, general regulations, regulations on elections to positions, regulations on the work of the board and the Ethics Committee, and rules of procedure on the work of management bodies and experts bodies of the Faculty.


phone: +381 18 42 26 712  ext: 152;  104;  205

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Professional team of the Service for general and administrative-legal affairs


The head of the Service is Maja Mladenović, a law graduate.

Драган Б. Трајковић Службеник за међународну сарадњу
Најдан Б. Ђоровић Правно кадровски аналитичар
Мирјана М. Трајковић Самостални правни сарадник
Валентина В. Игић Самостални правни сарадник
Снежана С. Цветковић Самостални стручнотехнички сарадник за остале делатности
Наташа С. Радојковић Правни сарадник
Лепосава М. Спасић Технички секретар
Данијела М. Николић Референт за правне, кадровске и административне послове
Драган С. Видојковић Курир
Љиљана М. Марковић Курир



Blvd. Dr Zorana Djindjica 81
18108 Nis
Republic of Serbia
Phone: +381-18-42-26-644
FAX:     +381-18-42-38-770
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tax ID number: 100664516
VAT ID number: 131586859
Company registration number: 07215282
Bank: Ministry of Finance Treasury Administration, Niš Division
Giro transfer number for clients: 840-1681666-03
Business activity code