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Висине школарина за студије на Медицинском факултету Универзитета у Нишу и накнаде за пружање услуга из образовне делатности Факултета одређује Савет факултета и доноси одлуке:



1pdf ОДЛУКА о допуни Одлуке о висини школарине специјалистичке и уже специјалистичке студије 2021/2022
1pdf ОДЛУКА о висини школарине специјалистичке и уже специјалистичке студије у струци 2021/2022

1pdf ОДЛУКА о висини школарине последипломске студије 2021/2022

1pdf ОДЛУКА о висини школарине интегрисане академске студије
основне струковне студије
специјалистичке струковне студије

1pdf ОДЛУКА о висини накнаде интегрисане академске студије
основне струковне студије
специјалистичке струковне студије

Doctoral studies



At the DOCTOR ACADEMIC STUDY, the highest quality candidates, persons with completed academic studies of medicine in duration of 6 years (360 ESPB points) and persons with completed academic studies of medical and biological orientation (dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary, molecular biology) for 5 years (300 ESPB points), if they achieved a minimum average grade of 8.00 during the course of studies.

Faculty of Medicine in Niš, within its educational activities, holds doctoral academic studies for acquiring a scientific title:



The goals of the study programs of doctoral academic studies are clearly defined and in accordance with the needs and outcomes of the program. The basic goals are as follows: acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of biomedical research through organized scientific and professional development and linking fundamental, applied, clinical and developmental research in the field of cell biology, genetics, morphology, biochemistry, immunology, pharmacology and physiology of the cell and organism , clinical and functional methods of research, modern surgical research, modern methods of monitoring public health and environmental impact, as well as professional guidance on working and living human life, modern forensic and toxicological analyzes, directed towards the study of molecular mechanisms of the formation and development of diseases, its prophylaxis, clinical diagnosis and contemporary therapeutic approaches; mastering and applying different methodologies in the scientific and research process; training for self-monitoring of literature and critical interpretation of the obtained research results; developing its own value system, which guarantees successful and responsible scientific work in accordance with the highest scientific and ethical standards, as well as the standards of the profession, the need for continuous improvement, the possibility of participation and the design of independent scientific projects.


NaRDuS-National Repository Dissertation in Serbia


Specialist vocational studies



Specialist vocational studies are first-degree studies under the Law on Higher Education since October 2017. The study program of specialist vocational studies is based on the needs of the society for highly educated personnel who can follow the progressive development of medical sciences. At the specialist vocational studies, the scope of study achieved is 60 ESP (European System Transfer Points)

Specialist vocational studies provide a broad and solid basis for public health work and a leading professional role in health care. Students in specialist vocational studies - expand the knowledge acquired in basic vocational studies and acquire the appropriate qualifications in the field of study required for performing specific tasks within their profession.

Studies last one academic year or two semesters. In the first semester, theoretical and practical lessons are carried out, while during the second semester practical work is carried out (professional practice) and prepares the final professional work. The final professional work is in the field of professional applicative course and is prepared in consultation with the selected mentor. It consists of written text and oral defense.

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 Title conferred:


Official length of studies:
1 year  (2 semesters)
Total realized ECTS credits: 60

Studies - types and degrees



Higher education activities are realized through  and STRUCTURAL, ACADEMIC and DOCTORAL studies on the basis of approved, or accredited study programs for acquiring higher education.

STUDY PROGRAM is a set of compulsory and elective study areas, that is, subjects with framework content, whose mastering provides the necessary knowledge and skills for acquiring the diploma of the corresponding nico and type of studies.

Academic study program is conducted in academic studies, which enables students to develop and apply scientific and professional achievements.

Vocational studies are carried out by a vocational study program, which enables students to apply knowledge and skills necessary for inclusion in the work process.

The study program is determined by the Academic Assembly of the Faculty, passed by the Senate of the University, and accredited by the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Control of the National Council for Higher Education.


Read more: Studies - types and degrees

Integrated academic studies



Integrated academic studies are second-degree studies. The law permits the possibility for study programs in the field of medical sciences to be organized in the framework of basic and master academic studies. In this case, the amount of study achieved is 360 ESP (European System Transfer Points), for the study program of medicine, or 300 ESPB for the study program of dentistry and pharmacy.



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Academic studies MEDICINE Academic studies DENTISTRY Academic studies PHARMACY
Official length of studies: 6 years (12 semesters) Official length of studies: 5 years (10 semesters) Official length of studies: 5 years (10 semesters)
Total realized number ESPB: 360 Total realized number ESPB: 300 Total realized number ESPB: 300
Title conferred: Doctor of Medicine, MD Title conferred: Doctor of Dental Medicine, DDM Title conferred: Master of Pharmacy, MPharm


More Articles...

  1. Basic vocational studies




Zoran Perišić MD, associate professor

Department for specialist studies:



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