
General examination timetable



Examination deadlines, defined by the Statute of the Medical Faculty, are: January, April, June, August, September and October. October exam is organized, as a rule, before the beginning of classes in the next school year and ends on October 10th.

The exam calendar is published at the beginning of each school year and is an integral part of the teaching curriculum. The schedule for taking tests and written exams for individual subjects of all study programs includes the fixed term (Sunday and the day of the exam). The time and venue of the tests and written exams for each examination deadline shall be published on the Faculty website before the beginning of the examination period in accordance with the defined schedule for weeks and days.

A student who has fulfilled all prescribed pre-requisites can leave the exam.

Exams are public. The publicity of the exam is provided by the examiner by attending the examination of at least two persons from the ranks of the teaching staff or students.

Examinations are placed before an examiner-subject teacher or a test committee in the premises of the Medical faculty or teaching bases, according to a predetermined schedule that is timely published.




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