Publishing Service
The Publishing Service was established in 2019 with the aim of improving the quality and better organization of the publishing process. A team has been formed that will work in the Service, which consists of linguists, lecturers for Serbian and English, a translator and professional and technical associates.
The Service receives and prepares papers for publication in the journals Acta medica Medianae, Acta facultatis medicae Naissensis and Acta stomatologica Naissi. There is a significant tradition of publishing journals published by the Faculty, Acta medica Medianae since the founding of the Faculty, Acta facultatis medicae Naissensis since 1970 and Acta stomatologica Naissi since 1984, which is why special attention is paid to the continuity of publishing journals. In line with world trends, electronic editing and preparation of papers for printing has been introduced.
The service is engaged in the presentation of publishing activities with the aim of promoting results and achievements in the field of medical and biomedical sciences.
One of the important goals of the publishing activity of the faculty is to provide students of all levels of studies with basic textbooks and additional literature that will improve teaching and educational work. The publishing activity of the Faculty includes publishing publications intended for other types of academic and professional training. All professional and administrative tasks for the needs of publishing are performed by the Publishing Service. The Service monitors all phases of the publication, coordinates work with the printing house and authors, provides ISBN, CIP and DOI, prepares circulation. Publications included in the publishing activity are: textbooks, monographs, practicums, scientific books, historiographies, atlases, collections of papers, special and other editions of the Faculty.
The work of the Service is defined by the Rulebook on Publishing (link)
phone: +381 18 42 26 712,; ext: 247, 154, 122
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Professional team of the Publishing Service:
The head of the Service is Anica Visnjic, a graduate in philology
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Bojana Marjanović | lektor za engleski jezik |
Milena Đorđević | prevodilac za engleski jezik |
Nevena Grujičić | samostalni stručno-tehnički saradnik |
Violeta Vučić | stručno-tehnički saradnik |