




First year


No. Course code Course Sem. Course type Course status Active teaching Other classes ECTS
1. M-I-1 Molecular and human genetics I TM R 45 30 0 7
2. M-I-2 Medical statistics and informatics I TM R 30 30 0 5
3. M-I-3 Anatomy I, II SP R 135 135 0 24
4. M-I-4 Histology and embryology I, II SP R 90 90 0 14
5. M-I-5 Physical education * I, II, III, IV AGE F 0 0 120* 0
6. M-I-6 Medicine and society II AGE R 30 0 0 3
7. M-I-7 Introduction to clinical practice II TM R 15 15 0 3
8. M-I-8 Elective II AGE E 30 0 0 4
Total classes of active teaching in the I study year 375 300    
Total classes (lectures+practice+other classes) and I year ECTS credits 675 60

* The course of Physical Education is facultative and its number of classes is not represented in the total number of classes

Course type:   Course status
AGE - Academic-General Education
TM - Theoretical-Methodological
SP - Scientific-Professional
PA - Professional-Applied
  R Required
E - Elective

 Second year


No. Course code Course Sem. Course type Course status Active teaching Other classes ECTS
9. M-II-9 Elective III АGE E 15 15 0 4
10. M-II-10 Physiology III, IV SP R 135 120 0 20
11. M-II-11 English language in medicine III, IV АGE R 60 0 0 3
12. M-II-12 Biochemistry III, IV SP R 105 90 0 15
13. M-II-13 Microbiology III, IV SP R 60 60 0 10
14. M-II-14 Basics of immunology IV SP R 30 30 0 4
15. M-II-15 First aid IV ТМ R 30 30 0 4
Total classes of active teaching in the II study year 435 345    
Total classes (lectures+practice+other classes) and II year ECTS credits 780 60


Third year


No. Course code Course Sem. Course type Course status Active teaching Other classes ECTS
16. M-III-16 Pathology V, VI SP R 120 120 0 17
17. M-III-17 Pathophysiology V, VI SP R 75 90 0 12
18. M-III-18 Pharmacology with toxicology V, VI SP R 75 60 0 11
19. M-III-19 Internal propedeutics V, VI R 60 90 0 13
20. M-III-20 Elective VI SP E 30 15 0 4
21. M-III-21 Professional practice 1   R 0 0 95 3
Total classes of active teaching in the II study year 360 375    
Total classes (lectures+practice+other classes) and II year ECTS credits 830 60


Fourth year


No. Course code Course Sem. Course type Course status Active teaching Other classes ECTS
22. M-IV-22 Infectious diseases VII R 45 60 0 7
23. M-IV-23 Epidemiology VII SP R 30 30 0 4
24. M-IV-24 Radiology VII SP R 30 30 0 4
25. M-IV-25 Clinical biochemistry VII SP R 30 15 0 1
26. M-IV-26 Internal medicine VII, VIII R 120 150 0 18
27. M-IV-27 Elective VII SP E 30 30 0 4
28. M-IV-28 Elective VIII SP E 30 30 0 4
29. M-IV-29 Psychiatry with medical psychology VIII R 45 60 0 7
30. M-IV-30 Dermatovenerology VIII R 30 45 0 5
31. M-IV-31 Nuclear medicine VIII SP R 15 15 0 2
32. M-IV-32 Clinical microbiology VIII SP R 30 15 0 1
33. M-IV-33 Professional practice 2   R 0 0 95 3
Total classes of active teaching in the II study year 435 480    
Total classes (lectures+practice+other classes) and II year ECTS credits 1010 60


Fifth year


No. Course code Course Sem. Course type Course status Active teaching Other classes ECTS
34. M-V-34 Neurology IX R 30 60 0 7
35. M-V-35 Clinical pharmacology IX SP R 30 30 0 2
36. M-V-36 Social medicine IX ТМ R 15 30 0 2
37. M-V-37 Hygiene with medical ecology IX SP R 30 30 0 3
38. M-V-38 Pediatrics IX, X R 60 120 0 9
39. M-V-39 Gynecology with obstetrics IX, X R 60 120 0 9
40. M-V-40 Surgery 1 IX, X R 90 150 0 14
41. M-V-41 Occupational medicine X R 15 15 0 2
42. M-V-42 Physical medicine and rehabilitation X R 30 30 0 2
43. M-V-43 Anesthesiology with reanimatology X R 15 30 0 2
44. M-V-44 Elective X E 15 30 0 3
45. M-VI-45 Professional practice 3   R 0 0 240 5
Total classes of active teaching in the V study year 390 645    
Total classes (lectures+practice+other classes) and V year ECTS credits 1275 60


Sixth year


No. Course code Course Sem. Course type Course status Active teaching Other classes ECTS
46. M-VI-46 Ophthalmology XI R 45 30 0 5
47. M-VI-47 Surgery 2 XI R 45 75 0 9
48. M-VI-48 Otorhinolaryngology XI PA R 30 30 0 4
49. M-VI-49 Maxillofacial surgery XI R 15 15 0 2
50. M-VI-50 Clinical oncology XI R 15 30 0 2
51. M-VI-51 Emergency medicine XI R 30 30 0 4
52. M-VI-52 Family medicine XI R 15 30 0 2
53. M-VI-53 Forensic medicine XI R 45 30 0 5
54. M-VI-54 Clinical practical teaching XII R 0 90 360 15
55. M-VI-55 Diploma paper XII E 0 0 150 12
Total classes of active teaching in the V study year 240 360    
Total classes (lectures+practice+other classes) and V year ECTS credits 1110 60




УКУПНО Total classes ECTS
Total classes of active teaching in the study program 4740 360
Total classes of active teaching, other classes and credits in the study program 5680




No. Course code Course Semester ECTS per course ECTS
1. M-I-8.а English language II 4 4
2. M-I- 8.b Chemistry in medicine 1 II 4
3. M-II-9.а Biology of the cell III 4 4
4. M-II-9.b Physics of medical diagnosis III 4
5. M-II-9.v Research principles and ethics
6. М-II-9.g Chemistry of medicine 2 III 4
7. M-III-20.а Communication skills VI 4 4
8. M-III-20.b Medical genetics VI 4
9. M-III-20.v Neuroscience VI 4
10. M-III-20.g Homeostasis of water and electrolytes VI 4
11. M-III-20.d Pharmaceutical and technological forms of medicinal preparations VI 4
12. M-IV-27.а Pathophysiology of sport VII 4 4
13. M-IV-27.b Basics of histological techniques in biomedicine VII 4
14. M-IV-27.v Interprofessional education VII 4
15. M-IV-27.g Herbal remedies VII 4
16. M-IV-28.а Clinical anatomy VIII 4 4
17. M-IV-28.b Clinical pathophysiology VIII 4
18. M-IV-28.v Clinical immunology VIII 4
19. M-IV-28.g Adverse effects of drugs VIII 4
20. M-IV-28.d Management in health care VIII 4
21. Dermocosmetic preparations
22. M-V-44 Dietetics X 3 3
23. M-V-44.b Clinical embryology X 3
24. M-V-44.v Clinical pathology X 3
25. M-V-44.g Drugs and pregnancy X 3
26. M-V-44.d Neonatology X 3
27. Geriatrics X 3
28. M-V-44.e Tropical infectious diseases X 3
29. М-V-44 Palliative medicine X 3
30. М-V-44.z Physiology of exercise X 3
31. М-V-44.i Therapy of pain X 3
32. М-V-44.j Corpse examination and determination of the cause of the death X 3
33. М-V-44.k Practical urology X 3
34. M-V-55 Diploma paper XII 12 12
Total ECTS credits for all the elective courses 128  
Minimum ECTS credits for the courses selected by the student   35



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